
What differentiates the CADR Foundation from most other research-based organizations is our cause focused methodology behind our research.  Traditional research tends to place a primary focus on crash statistics—the circumstances present in the final moments leading up to the “impact” or “crash”.  While this data certainly provides critical information, it is a limited view that all too often leads to symptom-based conclusions.

Crash-based statistical research has been highly effective in advancing the safety technology found in today’s automobiles and it’s been the primary basis for much of the proposed and implemented legislation governing teen drivers today.  However, when decade after decade, crash-based statistics continue publishing that over 80% of these deadly crashes result from “driver error”, its time to place the research focus squarely on the driver and the educational system preparing them for licensure.

To that end, our unique approach is built upon the reality that teenage vehicle fatalities are, at their very core, a Social Epidemic, and as such, we recognize they’re heavily influenced by cultural beliefs and the low standards that produce the ease of licensure.  In fact, we believe there is significant evidence to suggest that teenage vehicle fatalities are actually the result of the Epidemic–perpetuated by the system and beliefs–and that the crashes are merely the statistical realities being played out behind the wheel on our roads and highways.

In an effort to intensify our research focus on the learning to drive process and the role it plays in the mental and skill development of novice drivers, the CADR Foundation is launching a grassroots campaign called “Driving Higher Standards”.  Through this campaign, our research objective is to enlist the help of families around the country who are willing to share the strengths and weaknesses of the system that prepared them for licensure and the beliefs they hold about the driver’s role in crash prevention.

Our passion is saving lives!  Our objective is concentrating our research on the root cause, not the symptoms.  Our Mission is to create effective solutions to reduce teenage vehicle fatalities.  Our Vision is to know that our research will enable today’s teen drivers to live out their dreams, goals, and purpose in life.