Driving Higher Standards

Driving Higher Standards is a national campaign challenging the status quo for driving qualification standards that are out of date, built on the belief that gaining experience is more valuable than developing expertise and created to provide ease of licensure.

We are advocating for the creation and implementation of national licensure standards that place a higher value on the driver’s life and safety than the safety standards of the vehicles they drive.

We are calling for higher:

  • Degree of focus on the skills that should be required to better prepare a teen driver for the responsibility licensure requires
  • Emphasis on the mindset required to comprehend the risk, and benefit from the education and training necessary for reducing that risk
  • Standards to measure the qualifications required to successfully achieve a safe, crash free arrival at every destination

Driving Higher Standards is the platform to empower other voices to join in shouting out our message. Help us Drive Higher Standards through your tax-deductible donation. Simply click on the payment method below, powered by PayPal.

Because we believe EVERY life lost robs our communities of the purpose and value that life represents.